Burleson Lions Club Board Meeting
8 am
Zoom meeting online
1. On a desktop or laptop computer open a browser and go to zoom.com and click on join.
Ask to join meeting 2840850463 using password 037223
2. Using a tablet or smart phone, download the Zoom app. Open the app and join meeting 2840850463 and use password 037223
3. If you just have regular phone and need to dial in you can call 1 346 248 7799 and then join meeting 2840850463 using password 037223
4. You can join using Skype for Business: https://us02web.zoom.us/skype/2840850463 and password 037223
If you need help contact Keith Kelly.
Contact us:
Burleson Lions Charitable Programs, Inc dba Burleson Lions Club
Mail Address: PO Box 322, Burleson, TX 76097-0322
General Inquiries: email@burlesonlions.orgParade Inquiries: sponsorship@burlesonlions.org
Burleson Lions Club is a member club of Lions Clubs International www.lionsclubs.org
and Texas District 2-E-2 www.lions2e2.org